The International Perspective of Financial and Fiscal Challenges for China under “New Normal”
Time:8:30am-12:30am, June 17th 2016
Location: Historical Museum of School of Economics at Henan University
8:30am-8:45am | Welcome Speech Bingtao Song, Dean of School of Economics at Henan University Ceremony of Honorary Professors Junjian Sun, Vice-President of Henan University |
8:45am-9:15am | Key Growth Challenges for China Wing Thye Woo, Professor of Economics, UC Davis |
9:15am-9:45am | China's tax reform Alan Auerbach, Director of Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance, University of California, Berkeley |
9:45am-10:15am | The Limits of Quantitative Easing Kiyohiko Nishimura, Dean of the Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo |
10:15am-10:30am | Break |
10:30am-11:00am | A Rebalancing Chinese Economy: Challenges and International Implications Patrick D'arcy, Director of Beijing Office of Reserve Bank of Austrilia |
11:00am-11:30am | A Network of Thrones: Kinship and Conflict in Europe, 1495-1918 Seth Benzell, PhD Candidate at Department of Economics, University of Boston |
11:30am-12:00am | Much Ado About Nothing: Sovereign Ratings and Government Bond Yields in the OECD Makram El-Shagi, Professor of Economics, Henan University |
12:00am-12:30pm | The Macroeconomic Trade Effect of Vehicle Currencies: Evidence from 19th Century China Lin Zhang, Assistant Professor of Economics, Henan University |
Note:Every speaker has 20-25 minutes to present, and then left 5-10 minutes to discuss or question.
8:30am-8:45am | 开幕式 mk体育平台登录入口经理宋丙涛致辞 mk官网副董事长孙君健为Auerbach、Nishimura教授发聘书 |
8:45am-9:15am | 中国经济增长的挑战:一些关键要素 加州大学戴维斯分校胡永泰教授 |
9:15am-9:45am | 中国的税制改革 加州大学伯克利分校财政税收研究中心主任Alan Auerbach教授 |
9:45am-10:15am | 量化宽松的局限性 东京大学mk体育经理日本央行前副行长Kiyohiko Nishimura教授 |
10:15am-10:30am | 休息 |
10:30am-11:00am | 中国经济的展望:挑战及其国际意义 澳大利亚储备银行北京代表处主任Patrick D'arcy博士 |
11:00am-11:30am | 王朝的国际关系网络:1495-1918年间的欧洲家族及其冲突 波士顿大学经济系Seth Benzell博士 |
11:30am-12:00am | 无事生非:经合组织国家的主权评级和国债收益曲线 mk体育平台登录入口Makram El-Shagi教授 |
12:00am-12:30pm | 媒介货币的宏观贸易影响:来自19世纪中国的证据 mk体育平台登录入口张琳教授 |